This is the end of winter, this is the beginning of spring. Happy winter solstice!

winter solstice (English: winter solstice), also known as “Winter Festival”, “He Dong”, one of the twenty-four Chinese solar terms, one of the eight solar terms, and the summer Solstice. The Winter solstice begins around December 22 of the Gregorian calendar when the sun reaches the longitude of 270°. It is said that the winter solstice in the history of the Zhou Dynasty is the New Year’s Day, used to be a very busy day.

On this day, the sun shines directly on the ground at its southernmost point of the year, almost directly over the Tropic of Capricorn (23°26′ south latitude). The northern Hemisphere gets the least sunlight on this day, 50 percent less than the southern hemisphere. The days are shortest in the Northern Hemisphere and get shorter the farther north you go.

It is quite common to eat dumplings during winter solstice in north China. As the saying goes: “Winter solstice, eat dumplings.” In the south, Tangyuan is eaten. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, in Tengzhou, Shandong Province, the winter solstice custom is called Shajiu, and the popular custom is to drink mutton soup on the day of Shajiu, meaning to drive away the cold.

Post time: Dec-22-2022